“Service to humanity is service to God”
Excelsior Model School started the Social Service League in the year 2007. With a motive to serve humanity we started various activities such as visiting the orphanages, old age homes, slums, street children, and government hospitals etc. and contributed according to their needs.
Every year we organize blood donation camp in our school. People from far and near come forward for this noble cause. Our parents also take very active part in it. We also lend a helping hand to the NGO’S holding Cancer Projects, Aids centre, Blind People’s Association etc.
Funds are raised by the contribution of the students and every member of the school. The students contribute daily at least one rupee from their pocket money and put it in the poor fund box which is rotated daily in all the classes. The students contribute study materials such as note-books, pens, pencils, erasers, compass boxes etc. and distribute it among the students who live below the poverty line. This project is done every year by celebrating ‘JOY OF GIVING WEEK’.
The motive behind all these activities is to inculcate in our children the habit of lending a helping hand to all the less-fortunate brothers and sisters and feel for the suffering and the less-privileged of our society.

Social Service Members of the school contributing towards an inmate of the school
Excelsior Model School has adopted Geeta and her family’s monthly maintenance of ration.
Social Service members of the school helping a cancer patient

Excelsior Model School helping the needy framers in our locality.
Excelsior Social Service League is handing over a cheque of Rs. 50,000/- to Global Cancer Concern India.